Less than 30 days delinquent         $   25.00

31-60 days delinquent                      $   50.00

61 days or more delinquent             $ 100.00

                                           plus will be forwarded to attorney.

Any related cost for legal process will be posted to the members account.

Example of potential charges:

Account 62 days delinquent and sent to attorney

Past due amount $100.00

First late fee after the 10 of month due $25.00

Second late fee after 31 days $50.00

Third late fee after 61 days $100.00

Attorney cost for collection attempts estimate $150.00

Original amount $100.00 + late fees $175.00 + legal of $150.00 = $425.00

NOTE: Delinquent accounts can consist of monthly maintenance fees, taxes, fines, bill back maintenance cost for non-covered repairs or late fees from prior balances.

Late Fee Schedule Effective January 1, 2024

During our annual insurance review our carrier has strongly advised we require all members to be smoke & carbon monoxide compliant for safety reasons.  This falls under a member responsibility.  Effective 9.21.2021 all sales will require working detectors be present and maintained.

Please KEEP your tax bill invoice for end of year tax preporations. 

Requesting a copy from the Management office may delay your filing.

Click the link below to access the By-Law.  Knowing how your community was set up makes for easy understanding between neighbors and management.

Board Members are elected and committees are approved by the board, either by a motion of the board or appointed.  This is covered in the By-laws and Articles of Incorporations.  Posing as a Board Member or unassigned/unapproved committee chair or member is misrepresentation of the membership and a violation.   Per Cambridge Dictionary:  Definition of Posing:  the act or practice of falsely representing oneself: to pretend to be something that you are not or to have qualities that you do not have, in order to be admired or attract interest:.  

Recently complaints have been submitted stating these types of activities are present and we must ask that people abide by the governing documents of the corporation.  

It is very important for members to review the Rules and Regulation and Rental Policy before you make a decision.  Remember this is an Independent Living SENIOR community.

South Lyon, MI

Read before you rent out your unit 

every member needs to read

Check out the new links on the Updates page.


 25865 Jamestown Ct, South Lyon MI, 48178.

Reminder:  Only two (2) parking spots per home is provided. 

Guest parking is available in dedicated areas. 

Please advise family and friends to please use the overflow areas.  

The correct  address for Clearview Property Management Services is.  

Clearview Property Management Services, LLC

P.O. Box 788

Linden, MI  48451

PS:  Please make all payments out to Colonial Acres Phase V not to Clearview



Please note that Clearview is not taking or needs to know who and what number to reach if you are away from your home and we have an emergency to enter.

It is safer and faster to have the name and number taped to your door near the handle so emergency services or Paul can reach the person with a key rather than call Clearview and we track down who and then call them etc. etc.

Clearview also wants to convey to the members we are not accessing your home or take responsibility/liability of the interior contents or entry. 

We are not an on site manager that is close by the majority of time.  We rely on Paul, your Board of Directors, local emergency responders and you to be pro-active in keeping the neighborhood safe. 

You should only give a key to someone you trust and can be easily reached when needed.

Thank you & we appreciate your cooperation.

You can now submit work orders here on line.  Check it out

See form on the MAINT ITEMS page/tab.  

If you receive a request from your lender for updated insurance or Deck Sheet from Michigan Community Insurance, YOU need to call 248-679-7000 Extension 142​ to get the information.  Management cannot request this on your behalf.  Also be advised the insurance is for the association and the exteriors. 

This has no coverage for your personal property or liability inside your unit of any hazards caused by you or that are your responsibility.

Click the red box for the full Checklist and don't be shy.  If you need help checking your home and preparing for any situation call on your family and friends and ask for help.

Click below for full Guide

Please Note - Members are not allowed to go door to door in the manner of 


This could be represented in many forms.  Selling goods or services, compainging for support or election votes to name a couple. 

To solicit is to ask, request, or to seek to obtain by making one's wants known. ask implies no more than the statement of the desire.  Such activities is a violation of the community Rules & Regulations.  A Board Member will NEVER go door to door uninvited or without cause for board business.